
El propósito de éste blog es dar a conocer la idea de la libertad, la cual considero Venezuela ha olvidado. Las publicaciones irán orientadas a educar al lector en los basamentos filosóficos y en las experiencias prácticas del liberalismo clásico, así como también a analizar temas de actualidad desde una óptica que no es común en los medios venezolanos. De igual manera expondré los problemas de los cuales me parece sufre nuestro país e intentaré sugerir soluciones a los mismos.


Símbolo Sumerio de la libertad.

¿Considera usted que la educación es un derecho humano?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Letter to the Editor of "The Guardian" U. K.

by Jorge A. Osuna

On an Op-Ed about freedom of speech in Ecuador, CEPR’s Mark Weisbrot wrote, “It is of course possible that governments will abuse their regulatory authority with respect to the media. So far, however […] major media outlets have abused their power and control over the means of communication in ways that undermine democracy.”
Mr. Weisbrot obviously overlooks choice, which is perhaps the most important component of democracy. It is the people with their controllers that cast a “vote” every time they choose to watch TV, turn it off, or change the channel. No one is forced to watch it, for it is a voluntary action; furthermore, even if the people were forced to watch it, no one can force them to believe what it is being said. Giving regulatory authority to the government will not solve anything; instead the freedom of the Ecuadorian people and their right to choose will be greatly undermined.

(For Mark Weisbrot's Original Article click here)

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